PBGA 4 Player Member / Guests
Saturday, August 06, 2022
Poquoy Brook Golf Club
Member Entry Fee $30
$50 Guests
Entry fee does NOT include golf or optional side pools
pay for golf at www.poquoybrook.com
DEADLINE FOR ENTRY FORMS AND FEES -- the Monday of tournament week
FORMAT -- 4 players -
Minimum 4 player combined handicap of 24 (all 4 players must add to 24+)
2 Best Ball on - 1,2,4,5,7,8,10,13,14,16,17
3 Best Ball on - 3,6,9,12,15,18
There will be 2 flights A & B
Flight determined as follows:
Players will be deemed A B C D within the team
The combination of the A & B players will slot which flight you are in.
Tie breakers we will use team handicap.
This tournament has a tee option
White tees are default tournament tees
You may move up to GOLD if you meet 1 qualification
60+ age AND 15+ handicap (white) or
20+ handicap/any age
Anyone can play BLUE
Handicap calculated from tee box played.
This also determines your flight
HANDICAP REQUIRED; A maximum handicap of 30 per player.
Members without a handicap will be assigned by the committee.
Guest program - Each member may invite a total of 3 guests for the season.
Guests may play no more than 2 tournaments (plus the Dutra). The guest fee is higher in order to contribute to the prize pool dues allotment.
Please sign up as singles/pairs/threes/ we will make a team for you.